Goblin or Mona?

Is Goblin a good name for a girl kitty?

It turns out that the genders of the litter of kittens that my coworker is giving away got mixed up, but understandably so. He made the perfectly logical assumption that the ones that were, well, puffier "down there" were male, and the not-so-puffy ones were female. Makes sense, right?

Logic has a tendency to lie.

So, Goblin is a girl, and I've been going back and forth on changing her name. On the one hand, I'm not sure Goblin is a girly name, but that could be entirely due to the character the name comes from being male. Really, "Goblin" is a thing, not a name, so it actually works perfectly well for either gender. Further, I've been stuck on that name since before I knew I was going to be getting kitties at all, and so I feel I just can't change it. And well, the more I really think about it, the more I think it would actually be pretty damn cool to name a girl kittie Goblin.

The name I was considering changing it to is Mona, another character from Blackwood Farm. Mona is awild, wonderful, indescribably intelligent and romantic red-headed witch, and is Quinn's love - his Ophelia Immortal (he is her Noble Abelard). She's just wonderful, despite having a penchant - until meeting Quinn, and Goblin - of doing her best to sleep with all of her male cousins (and in the Mayfair clan, there are many).

It's an odd story, but endearing.

So, Mona or Goblin? Goblin or Mona? I like both names very much.

What do you think, dear reader?


Wren said...

I think "Goblin" works just fine for a kitty of either gender. If you're concerned, though, you could call her "Goblette" when no one's looking (not to be confused with "goblet" which is another thing entirely...).

"Mona" for a kitten does absolutely nothing for me, but then, I haven't read that book you mentioned. "Mona," for me, brings to mind a languid, back-of-the-hand-to-forehead woman, looking for a fainting lounge and uttering small "oh... Ohhh dear me" whispers, breathlessly, hoping some big fellow will stride in and catch her before she hits the floor with her nose.

Definitely not marmalade-kitten-like. ;o)

tempysmum said...

i love both names- and have considered "mona" for my child :)
i just adore blackwood farm, and i love that mona (from the witching hour series, originally) comes back to "haunt" the series ^^
i SO wish that woman would just cave in and friggin continue the series ><
anywho- i think goblin is a fine name for a girl kitty :D

Boldly Serving Up Wheat Grass said...

Yep, Goblin is an excellent cat name!