Blah, Blah, Blah, Trading, Blah, Blah, End Product, Blah, Blah ...

You know that glaze-eyed look that kids sometimes get when adults are talking to them about something totally not-fun? You know, the tilted-back head, half-lidded eyes that stare at the nothingness approximately one foot above and to the left of the adult's head, slack mouth partially open, shoulders slumped and hands useless at sides or in lap? The look that just screams "Uhhhhhh ... huhhhhhhh ..." You know the look I'm talking about?

That's about how my brain feels right now.

I will never use my degree to become an economist. Not even if they put a gun to my head and said, "Either your'e gonna be an economist and be paid one million dollars an hour for it, plus benefits, or we kill you."

Not. Ever.


Well, maybe for a million an hour, plus benefits. But they better be some damn nice benefits.


Boldly Serving Up Wheat Grass said...

This might sound a little contradictory, but... Trust me, creative types at heart (such as yourself) will always face the internal struggle of "going corporate" versus "living an adventurous, artist's lifestyle." You'll always hate yourself for it, yet you'll do it anyway. I don't mean to pigeon-hole you as merely a creative type, either, because that's one of my huge pet peeves in life -- the pigeon-holing of people into either left-brained or right-brained categories. I think people are more complex than that and can be multi-talented, gifted in numerous areas, some creative, some analytical. In this case, you're going through the motions of a more practical course of study. However, it *will* also benefit the creative side (in some vague way) in the future. IMHO, of course. (Thankfully, though, I never studied economics!)

Anonymous said...

I'd so do it for a million an hour.

Sketch said...

Patrick- I completely understand. I'd love nothing more than to draw, write poetry and philosophize over tea for the rest of my life, but that won't pay the bills, so here I am preparing myself for some boring corporate desk job. Ugh. BUT - if I someday get that boring but cushy desk job, I can leave early to paint, right? :)

Winter - actually, I'd do it for half a million. Or even a quarter or an eighth. Hell, anything more tan what I make right now ...