Charlize Theron, with a duck head

That's right. You saw it here first. Charlize Theron, with a duck head. This rare shot was captured - probably with much danger to himself - by Patrick Hillman over at Blowing Shit Up With Gas. He's good at that kinda thing - discovering all manner of strange and head-shake-inducing secrets of celebrities, and then posting them for the world to see, for it's own safety. Rarely do we see such "Candid Camera" shots as this, though. This is a real treat. I mean, who knew her mother was of the feathered persuasion?

Actually, what I want to know is, how the hell does she manage to cram that long neck and bill into a full-head human-mask all the time? Talk about cramps. And ruffled feathers. Still, I think she should be proud to show the world her true face - it's actually quite pretty. And she doesn't even need makeup, the lucky bitch. Look at those eyes! I'd kill for those eyes ...


Ok, any other takers on the sticky-note exchange? This is the first response (thanks Patrick!) and it was fun. Send 'em in, peoples! Mum? Patrick B.(co-worker dude)? Hot Lemon? Anyone? I'll post this week's sticky tomorrow (meant to today, but forgot, and I'm at home now while it's at work).


Boldly Serving Up Wheat Grass said...

I could have probably photoshopped the part where the duck head meets Charlise's body a bit better...

It was fun to do, though!

Sketch said...

It looks great! :)