Pebble Drop, Phase One

Pebble Drop 1
© C. Vandever, 2007

This started as a quick random sketch on a sticky note, which was tossed aside and ignored for an hour or so before I decided I actually kinda liked it. It just sort of spread out from there. I'll play with it in either Photoshop or Alias Sketchbook tonight or towmorrow, so keep an eye out for whatever final version of it emerges ...


Boldly Serving Up Wheat Grass said...

I like the whole concept. Maybe you could do a series of them -- larger drawings spawned from smaller ones on Post-Its. I'd leave it just the way it is & do another! (Or, hey, maybe have people send you post-its and you expand them into larger works? That could be interesting, too.) Seems these days it really helps to have a gimmick, you know?

Wren said...

This is such a tight, evocative drawing! It breathes story. I want to know who the girl is, where she's going, what's making her stop to drop a "pebble" in such a contemplative way, what the name of the river is and if it's always that high (not much space between the river and the bridge) and finally, where this story takes place.

And I love how she has the toes of her right foot just over the edge of the bridge. Such a natural position... excellent.

anandamide said...

I dig the fact that the original post it note incorporated into the drawing.

It would be cool to make copies of the post-it note and send copies to a bunch of other artists to see what would grow from it in somebody else's hands......

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

I dunno-- I like-a th' way it be right NOW!!

Sketch said...

Patrick- The more I look at it and think about it, the more I like the concept of it as well. I keep eyeing my pad of sticky-notes and wondering wha the next one will be. Maybe I shouldn't think too hard about it though, as this one came from a quick random sketch and then just sort of created itself from there. I like your idea of epanding on other peoples' sticky-note sketches; might be kinda cool.

Mom- I keep wondering what the story is myself, but I think really its just a reflection of how I'm feeling with school and stuff. I'm doing well (really really well), and I know that it's affecting my life already just in giving me a new sense of responsibility and, well, pride in my ability to learn new things easier than I tend to give myself credit for. So it's like I'm dropping pebbles into some body of water (better job, better home, better life, and all that entails and brings with it) that until now has always seemed to be rushing too fast for me to keep up with - so what was the point in trying? - and now I can see the effect, one tiny little splash at a time. By this time next year I'll be heaving boulders over the side and dancing with glee, I hope.

Sounds very cliche, I know. But it's appropriate.

Anadamide- Great idea! Mind if I go with it? I could post a sticky-note sketch a week, then have people send me what they come up with and I'll post them. That could be really interesting ...

Lemon- I like it this way too. I wasn't able to properly install Alias Sketchbook to play around with it, but I think that once I do I won't change the drawing. It's good as it is.