Apologies for the low-quality photo. I took it with my cell phone. This green dragon guards my workspace at work. I've been working on him bit by bit, here and there, for several months now. Here's a close-up of his eye, which I'm particularly proud of:

His name is Puddles. Don't laugh.
Which of you is more prone to bite? You, or Puddles? (pinching her lips to keep from chortling)
At the moment, I am. Being sick makes me bitchy. But woe be to anyone who dares try to steal the wall that Puddles' paper is taped to. They'll get a nasty surprise.
Is this nasty surprise a homemade napalm concoction? Perhaps the gnawing of a Chinese Water Dragon tucked safely behind Puddles? By the way, AMAZING job on that eye. I ish entranced. Amazed, even. It is, by far, one of the best dragon's eyes I have ever seen in my entire life. Very spiffy.
Hmmmm. I just commented and it vanished into cyberspace... Anyway, awesome eye!!! (Not to mention the whole dragon.)
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