oh my freaking god.

Ok, people. Here's some news that may confuse (ooo! I'm a poet!): International trade deficit is a good thing. No, really. I'm serious. Stop freaking out about the fact that we owe a whole bunch of countries a whole bunch of trade-related-and-induced money.

It's all good.

Just to bore you with the details cos I'm saddistic like that, I'll post my last (seriously fucking hard) assignment for my Global Econ class later. Well, if I get a good grade on it.

On a sorta-side-note: I am SO glad this is my last assignment for this term. I don't think I can think anymore. And that's scary.


Wren said...

I can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

hehe, for some reason, I keep thinking that that tattoo is gonna raise it's head up, take a good long look at you (with you staring back in awe) before it just calmly says "Hi. How are ya?" *snickerfit*