I did it

This morning I applied for Colorado Technical University Online for a Bachelorof Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing ... I know, I know; I said I was going to go for Art History, but after discussion and much thought, I've decided that a business degree would be better for me, since I do want to start up my own business selling my artwork in various forms.

My boss recommended CTU to me, as he is starting his first class there on Monday, and upon speaking to an advisor there, I'm very very impressed with the program and the way they work. My boss was very impressed as well, and he is a ratherskeptical person, and does tons of research into, well, everything, beforedeciding on anything. The fact that he was so impressed helped me to decide on this school. It's a completely online school,s o there will be no need for me to take any on-campus classes, which is what I was looking for in any college for any degree.

Now, here's the really big part: I find out tomorrow whether or not I am accepted. Tomorrow!

I'mexcited! I feel like a kid. My advisor said that I had a great attitude, sounded very motivated, and that she thought I had a very good chance of acceptance. She'll be calling me at 8 a.m tomorrow to let me know.

So, wish me luck, please. If I am accpeted, I'll be starting July 8, and will be finished in October of next year. From there I can either get a second Bachelor degree or go on for a Master degree (I'm not sure yet which of those I'd go for but I'm leaning toward the Master's, of course.)


Iwas kinda hestitant about posting this until and unless I found out I was accepted; didn't want to jinx it, you know? But really, I don't actually believe in jinxing things, and I doubt I could have kept my blog-mouth shut for long anyway.

I'm grinning real big right now. Hope the grin is still there - and bigger - at this time tomorrow.


Boldly Serving Up Wheat Grass said...

Of COURSE you'll get in! Not only do you want to go, but you seem to have a real vision developed as well (something that 90+% of the applicants will not have).

Congrats on taking the next step!

Sketch said...


Oh, I hopehopehopehopehope ...