When Dragons Laugh's new mascot

I figured it would only be appropriate that the very first blogger post ever to be typed up on my new computer be this one, reigning in the new look of When Dragons Laugh. I promise this is the real look, this time.

I gave Harry the honor of being the WDL mascot, since he is after all a Chinese Water Dragon. Well, that and he's just so damned cute, I have to include him. I can't stop taking pictures of him, much to his scaly dismay I'm sure.

So, everyone give Harry a big welcome. He can't read, so I'll just give him an extra cricket everytime someone says hello to him ...

(Also note that I have finally been able to update my Weyr Mates list. The computer at work really hates blogger, so I was unable to add/update pretty much anything, but all's well now.)

I will post more pictures of Harry at a later date, I promise. Well, probably several later dates. Hell, you'll probably get tired of seeing him so much, but I'll enjoy it!


Wren said...

I LOVE your new blog-look. What a fabulous photo of Hieronymous! HI HARRY!

Sketch said...

Harry says "Hi!" :o )