Morning for a Masochist: Photoblog

Morning Sky

Took this photo this morning with my phone. I was in the parking lot at my work at just a few minutes before 7 a.m. and I was sleepy but not so much that I couldn't enjoy the beauty of this sky. I only came in to work so ridiculously early today because I'm leaving early to go back home to do school work (the mathematic side of accounting sucks, I'm here to tell you), and so wanted to pre-emptively make up some of the time I'm going to lose. Feeling like a reluctant masochist at being up and at work so damned early, the title for this blog popped into my head and I snapped the shot.

Praying Mantis

I was going to post just the Morning for a Masochist photo, but then remembered the praying mantis I found yesterday on a break. I am convinced this is the same one I've saved from certain man-made death several times this year already. It likes to hang out on the jams of sliding doorways, or on the bar-handles of the front doors at work but in the inner side so that anyone walking up to the door won't know it's thereuntil they grab the handle and squish the poor lil' thing. It put up with my camera-phone-photo-shoot for about five minutes before finally leaping off my hand onto a vine.

Sky Lizard

Then I remebered the spiffy (actual camera) shot of this Blue Belly (Western Fence Lizard) who had somehow managed to climb up onto the roof of my best friend's parents' house and thought then that sun bathing on the skylight over the kitchen sink would be a great idea. This was at my friend's boyfriends' Death of aPirate murder mystery birthday party. Unfortunately, I don't have any of those photos readily available, or I'd post one of a bunch of people dressed like pirates. We all had an eye patch and joked that because of this any ship we crewed together would have gone in circles and been the laughing stock of pirates everywhere.

Pass Side Suicide

And to wrap up my early-morning photo blog, I have to post this. Matt and I were behind this guy (yes, that's the front of Matt's Jeep there, all black and sexy) getting off the freeway one day, and I couldn't resist. I love it when the consequences of being stupid have to be spelled out in spray paint, probably because one too many stupid people tried something stupid and died.

Good morning, everyone. And good day, and remember: look up at the sky often (because there just might be lizards soaring, legs splayed, overhead), and don't pass Big Rigs on the right.


Boldly Serving Up Wheat Grass said...

"I love it when the consequences of being stupid have to be spelled out in spray paint..."

That's one of the coolest things I've ever read.

Sketch said...

I'ts one of the coolest things I've written ...